Meet the Artists

These are the artists that made the Knife Cat Art Pack possible.

Be sure to check out the galleries and other works of these incredibly talented beans!



Bunnie is the most awesomest badass on the planet. She has 1,000,000 cool points and infinite street cred.

She's married to this guy named Ganix who made an art pack once, you might've heard of it.

Also she's having me write her bio and I'm literally having to restrain myself from typing 837 paragraphs gushing on and on about how absolutely incredible my wife is and how talented and sweet and strong she is and all of the wonderful things she oh god I'm running out of space I have to end this now or I never will


SharkySocks ✨ Quill My Beloved ✨
Hey dude! Got any copper wire?


SharkySocks is a cool dude who doesn’t afraid of anything.

Enjoys drawing sharkbuns and all manner of ice-related goblins.

Pretty sure he’s a superhero or something.

Blockman3 Blockman3


Artist. Hornse. Architect. (Building Enjoyer)

All of these are words that describe Block.

There are probably other words that describe Block too.



This is a perfectly normal bio for a perfectly normal guy who draws perfectly normal things. There is nothing not-normal about this bio.

Norm is also a fan of birds, and that's how you know he's just a normal guy.

Joooji Joooji Joooji Joooji Joooji Joooji Joooji Joooji


Joji (AKA Joooji) can often be found drawing adorable pictures in exchange for assets known as "money".

Some say that Joooji's name gets an extra "o" each time he survives an assassination attempt.

Give 'em hell, Joooji.


Deep within the earth’s core is said to live a Peruvian guy so powerful that he had to be locked away in order to curb his immense shitposting prowess.

That guy’s name is Gobanire.



What do you get when you mix a bat with an alpaca?

I don't know, but Budge does.

There are no known ways to stop a Budge armed with a tablet and digital pen in hand.



Have you ever turned around at night and swore you thought you saw something in your peripheral vision?

That might've been Shu. Or maybe not.

There's a non-zero chance that it was Shu.



Goblin connoisseur and veritable Advisor of Hell, Imp is known far and wide as a true legend in his field.

There are many who have tried to match his skill and tenacity.

None have succeeded.

And none have survived.



Perhaps one of the most ardent perpetrators of Weavposting™, Sherlu is a force that literally cannot be stopped.

No seriously, don't even try. There are no breaks on the Weav train.

There are whispers that Sher is a doppelgänger, but I'm just wondering why my reflection winked at me.



Syn could be described as a Weavile Enjoyer, a serial doodler, and a goat enthusiast.

If you ever come across a Weavile, a goat, or a sticky note in the wild, you can safely assume that Syn is probably somewhere nearby.

PS: I don't meant to gloat, but no other goat even remotely comes close to the GOATed goats that Syn promotes.



Minty is the world's foremost specialist in adorable cartoony paw-related content.

Anytime an artist draws a paw-focused pic that is both cartoony and cute, Minty is legally obligated to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of it.



Scruffy. An artist so adept with a tablet that he constantly has haters clawing at his throat.

Look at this absolutely scathing review:

If I had to rate Scruffy's art on a scale of 1 to 10? I'd put it at a solid 6/10. It's not bad at all, but not really my thing either.

Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged


Marc once gazed into the void.

But the void did not gaze back. It was scared.

The void begged, pleaded with Marc. Offered to give him powers beyond mankind's comprehension.

Marc, in a moment of mercy, accepted the void's yield.

Now Marc has more power and mysterious abilities than he knows what to do with.

So he uses them to draw Weaviles.



Certified Ass Enthusiast and passionate Sneasel and Weavile enjoyer.

Uromatsu has never made a poorly-drawn ass.

Their significant high-end contributions to the art world earned them the Nobel Peace Prize and three four Oscars in the year 2025.

I'm reading this directly from their paperwork, so it has to be true.





Even just reading the name alone is enough to send chills up your spine.

To measure the extent of Neo's artistic talent is a fool's errand; the infinite cannot be measured.

Nobody knows where he came from.

But he's always there.




A diehard Weavile fan to his last dying breath, Vince is a aficionado of all things Weavile and Weavile-adjacent.

He can name every Weavile ever. He's already done it once and I can vouch for him.

The only thing he adores more than Weavile is his wifey, Oni.

Hand-in-hand, there's no challenge Vince and Oni can't overcome. 💖



Oni is a force to be reckoned with. (Please don't try to reckon with her though, she will actually destroy you.)

Twitter runs counter-intel on her nearly nonstop because they simply cannot handle how powerful she is.

She will fight tooth and nail to protect her hubby, Vince.

Whenever someone is mean to Vince, you can rest assured it'll be the last thing they do.

(We're running out of bodybags, please stop teasing the poor boi)



ToonDraw is an artist and animator that makes toons based on 2000's Mexican culture and who draws every day.

He draws bunnies, toe rings, and food references as his favorite ideas.

Although he likes Pokemon art, he always has the need to add spice into his art! 🌶️



With his vast portfolio and his monumental reputation, Trevas being in the art pack is a pretty big deal.

Getting someone like him to join was no small task, and I'm a little surprised we pulled it off.

He's got huge amounts of potential, and there's no shortage of talent with him on board.



Alphie is an absolutely wonderful artist with a keen eye for possums of all persuasions.

They can often be found doing business in dark alleyways and slinking around stealing your Cheetos® at 3 AM.

Not to worry though, they leave behind beautiful drawings in exchange for any snacks they scamper off with.

One sec, I think I hear something outside, I'm gonna go check it out.

Beautiful drawing Tape (Top-Left) Tape (Top-Right)



Homekeys may just be a cat, but he's a cat with a top hat, and that makes him at least 5x as cool.

He's completely self-taught in drawing, which is almost unbelievable given his impressive list of accomplishments.

For example:

  • He once started drawing and didn't stop for 5 days straight and ended up changing math somehow.
  • This one time on national television, he took off his top hat and tapped it twice with his tablet pen and pulled a rabbit out of the hat.
  • He drew Midna's helmet.

BiskyDraws Bisky's bisky


Whenever you hear the term "master of their craft", Bisky should always be the first person that comes to mind.

There are very few things that Bisky can't do.

I try to tell them to stop being so good at things, their street cred is reaching dangerous levels.

But they don't listen.

They just keep being awesome.

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